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Metabolism, Alcohol & Toxicity
Quiz: In alcohol-related liver cirrhosis

Quiz: In alcohol-related liver cirrhosis


EASL Studio S6 E1: Do we solve MASLD by treating obesity?


Our speakers explore the latest insights into the adipose tissue-liver axis, focusing on weight-reducing drugs’ current status and the crucial question of who should prescribe them and how efficacy should be monitored. They debate the implications of these drugs, their expected outcomes, and their integration into the toolkit of hepatologists.

Don’t miss this opportunity to grasp the evolving dynamics between obesity treatment and MASLD management!


  • Sven Francque (Moderator)
  • Willem Pieter Brouwer (Faculty)
  • Cyrielle Caussy (Faculty)
  • Dimitris Papamargaritis (Faculty)

This episode is scheduled following the United Kingdom’s National Obesity Awareness Week.

Related episodes:

ℹ️ Please click here to access the podcast version of this EASL Studio episode.

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EASL Membership
Metabolism, Alcohol & Toxicity
EASL Studio Podcast S6 E1: Do we solve MASLD by treating obesity?

EASL Studio Podcast S6 E1: Do we solve MASLD by treating obesity?


EASL Policy Dialogues S2 E10: Technology and misinformation: The importance of digital health literacy


The spread of misinformation may be as harmful to the health of Europeans as disease itself. Misinformation, particularly circulated through social media and on the internet, impedes and undermines the efficacy of public health responses.

This episode explores the concept of digital health literacy, its underestimation during the Covid-19 pandemic, and lessons learned in the fight against the infodemic. Prof. Mookerjee, expert in health education, presents key issues, challenges, and areas of action in the field of digital health literacy. George Kalamitsis, a patient advocate, provides his insights on strategies to improve digital health literacy at a community level.




Prof. Mookerjee is professor of translational hepatology at UCL and honorary consultant in hepatology at the Royal Free hospital. He is also Jens Skou Professor of Hepatology in Aarhus University, Denmark, and the secretary-elect for the British Association for Study of the Liver. He serves on the steering committee for the European Foundation for the Study of Chronic Liver Failure and the European Association for Study of the Liver’s education committee.


George Kalamitsis, is founding member and Chair of Board of Hellenic Liver Patients Association "Prometheus", since 2012. He focuses daily on providing support to people living with Viral Hepatitis and Other Liver Diseases, on advocating for their rights, as well as on providing factual information related to hepatitis. He has worked extensively with all stakeholders in Greece, focusing on patients benefits and maintains communication channels with organizations and stakeholders, on a European and International level.

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EASL Membership
Cirrhosis & Complications
Quiz: A 58-year-old woman with a background of obesity and type II Diabetes Mellitus, and diagnosis of steatotic liver disease-induced cirrhosis

Quiz: A 58-year-old woman with a background of obesity and type II Diabetes Mellitus, and diagnosis of steatotic liver disease...


EASL Studio S4 E12: NAFLD and NASH – moving beyond the liver biopsy – where are we now?


Liver biopsy has long been the gold standard for diagnosing NAFLD and NASH. However, it is an invasive  procedure that may not always be necessary. This episode of EASL Studio explored methods for screening, staging, and monitoring disease progression.


  • Prof. Philip Newsome (Moderator)
  • Prof. Laurent Castera (Faculty)
  • Prof. Maja Thiele (Faculty)

ℹ️ Please click here to access the podcast version of this EASL Studio episode.


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Rare Liver Diseases
ERN Rare-Liver on-demand Webinar: Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency: A poster child for nucleic acid therapy

ERN Rare-Liver on-demand Webinar: Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency: A poster child for nucleic acid therapy

On-demand Webinars
Rare Liver Diseases
ERN Rare-Liver on-demand Webinar: Portal hypertension (CPSH) in Wilson Disease

ERN Rare-Liver on-demand Webinar: Portal hypertension (CPSH) in Wilson Disease

On-demand Webinars

EASL Studio S2 E14: Elastography – The new non-invasive gold standard in portal hypertension?


Compensated advanced chronic liver disease (cALD) refers to a spectrum of advanced liver fibrosis and cirrhosis in asymptomatic patients. Elastography, which measure liver stiffness has been recommended as non-invasive diagnostic method.

  • What are the limitations when using liver stiffness measurements for diagnosis?
  • What role can blood-based serum markers play?
  • Should the measurement cut offs be reviewed for different patient populations?

This EASL studio is supported by Boehringer Ingelheim and Siemens Healthineers. EASL has received no input from Boehringer Ingelheim and Siemens Healthineers with regards to the content of this programme.

ℹ️ Please click here to access the podcast version of this EASL Studio episode.

Related episode:

S2E4: Betablockers in cirrhosis: Has Baveno consensus gone too far?




Thomas Reiberger is a hepatologist at the Medical University of Vienna focusing on translational research in the field of advanced chronic liver disease. His Christian-Doppler Laboratory for Portal Hypertension and Liver Fibrosis deciphers molecular mechanisms involved in fibrogenesis and fibrosis regression and evaluates novel treatment options for portal hypertension and antifibrotic therapies in preclinical studies. As a physician, he heads the liver outpatient clinic, the Ultrasound/Elastography unit and the post liver transplant care at the Medical University of Vienna. Currently, he also serves as the Scientific Secretary of the Baveno Cooperation.


Maja Thiele Maja Thiele is Professor of Hepatology at Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Odense University Hospital and University of Southern Denmark. She works to reduce morbidity and mortality from alcohol-related liver disease, for the benefit of an otherwise stigmatized patient group. Her research focuses on the development and validation of diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers, with a particular focus on early disease detection and cost-effective referral pathways. Maja Thiele was an elastography expert contributor to EASL Clinical Practice Guidance, the BAVENO VII consensus statement, and AASLD clinical guidance. She has also been a partner in the European research consortia GALAXY, LiverScreen, MicrobPredict and SALVE.
Manolis Tsochatzis

Emmanuel Tsochatzis is a Professor of Hepatology and Consultant Hepatologist at the UCL Institute for Liver and Digestive Health in the Royal Free Hospital, London, UK and Head of the Centre for Metabolic Liver Diseases. His clinical and research interests include NAFLD, cirrhosis and portal hypertension and non-invasive fibrosis assessment. He is a member of the EASL scientific committee and Governing Board since 2019. He has led several international research collaborations resulting in more than 260 publications in peer reviewed journals. He has received funding for his research from NIHR, EASL and EU Horizon 2020.

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Liver Tumours
Quiz:  A 45-years-old female diagnosed with primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) and no history of liver cirrhosis or inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)

Quiz: A 45-years-old female diagnosed with primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) and no history of liver cirrhosis or inflamma...


EASL Studio S5 E15: EASL Studio’s holiday reflection: A look back to leap forward


Join us for a wrap-up of EASL Studio’s season and a preview of what is to come in 2024! In this special episode, we reminisce about the year’s top hepatology breakthroughs and controversies. This festive discussion highlights the best of the past while offering an exciting glimpse into the future of the evolving world of liver health.


  • Aleksander Krag (Moderator)
  • Thomas Berg (Faculty)
  • Ahmed Elsharkawy (Faculty)
  • Debbie Shawcross (Faculty)

ℹ️ Please click here to access the podcast version of this EASL Studio episode.

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EASL Membership
General Hepatology
EASL Studio Podcast S5 E15: EASL Studio’s holiday reflection: A look back to leap forward

EASL Studio Podcast S5 E15: EASL Studio’s holiday reflection: A look back to leap forward
