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EASL Studio S4 E4: JHEP Live: Is the term ‘decompensated cirrhosis’ outdated?


Although there is an almost unanimous consensus on the prognostic weight of the term ‘decompensation’, a clear corresponding consensus on its definition is still lacking. In addition, classifying cirrhosis as compensated and decompensated oversimplifies the clinical course of the disease which encompasses many different groups.


  • Prof. Paolo Angeli (Moderator)
  • Prof. Guadalupe Garcia-Tsao (Faculty)
  • Prof. Salvatore Piano (Faculty)
  • Prof. Thomas Reiberger (Faculty)

ℹ️ Please click here to access the podcast version of this EASL Studio episode.


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EASL Studio S2 E4: Betablockers in cirrhosis: Has Baveno consensus gone too far?


The Baveno Consensus started over 30 years ago with the aim of reviewing current diagnostic and therapeutic strategies and producing updated definitions.

But, with the extension of indication of non-steroidal beta blockers, has the consensus gone too far?

  • Is there enough evidence for their use in already decompensated patients?
  • How safe are they in this patient population?
  • What do we know about the effects on refractory ascites? Circulatory dysfunction?

ℹ️ Please click here to access the podcast version of this EASL Studio episode.



a. krag Aleksander Krag is Professor and Head of Hepatology at University of Southern Denmark and Odense University Hospital. Main research areas are within complications to cirrhosis, portal hypertension and alcoholic liver disease. He is involved in a number of collaborations, including being Coordinator in the H2020 project GALAXY: Gut and liver axis in alcoholic liver fibrosis.



Thomas Reiberger is a hepatologist at the Medical University of Vienna focusing on translational research in the field of advanced chronic liver disease. His Christian-Doppler Laboratory for Portal Hypertension and Liver Fibrosis deciphers molecular mechanisms involved in fibrogenesis and fibrosis regression and evaluates novel treatment options for portal hypertension and antifibrotic therapies in preclinical studies. As a physician, he heads the liver outpatient clinic, the Ultrasound/Elastography unit and the post liver transplant care at the Medical University of Vienna. Currently, he also serves as the Scientific Secretary of the Baveno Cooperation.

Dominique Thabut

Dominique Thabut is Professor in Hepatology at the APHP Sorbonne Université, Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière, Paris, France. Her areas of expertise include end-stage liver diseases, portal hypertension, hepatic encephalopathy. She participated in the development of the portal hypertension and hepatic encephalopathy international guidelines (Baveno, EASL, AASLD).

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EASL Studio S6 E11: Assessment of clinically significant portal hypertension in 2024 – Is it time to say goodbye to invasive measurements?


In this episode, experts explore the shift away from invasive measurements in assessing clinically significant portal hypertension. The speakers address the crucial data needed to enhance the reliability and applicability of these non-invasive methods and introduce several advanced elastography techniques, shaping the future of portal hypertension assessment.


  • Bogdan Procopet (Moderator)
  • Maria Papp (Faculty)
  • Atoosa Rabiee (Faculty)
  • Thomas Reiberger (Faculty)

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ℹ️ Please click here to access the podcast version of this EASL Studio episode.

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EASL Membership
Immune-Mediated and Cholestatic Diseases
Quiz: Remember the case seen few weeks ago of a 40-year-old male patient who has been previously diagnosed with PSC by MRCP and has no concomitant IBD

Quiz: Remember the case seen few weeks ago of a 40-year-old male patient who has been previously diagnosed with PSC by MRCP an...

Cirrhosis & Complications
EASL Studio Podcast S6 E11: Assessment of clinically significant portal hypertension in 2024 – Is it time to say goodbye to invasive measurements?

EASL Studio Podcast S6 E11: Assessment of clinically significant portal hypertension in 2024 – Is it time to say goodbye to in...

Liver Tumours
EASL Journal Club: Molecular-based targeted therapies in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma and hepato-cholangiocarcinoma refractory to atezolizumab/bevacizumab

EASL Journal Club: Molecular-based targeted therapies in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma and hepato-cholangiocarcinoma ...

EASL Journal Club
Cirrhosis & Complications
Quiz: A 46-year-old woman has been recently hospitalised with jaundice and new ascites

Quiz: A 46-year-old woman has been recently hospitalised with jaundice and new ascites


EASL Policy Dialogues S3 E2: World Liver Day – Join us in celebrating liver health on a global scale


World Liver Day (19 April) is a global event designed to celebrate liver health and empower the voices of the liver community in advocating for better prevention, detection, and care. Societies from around the world engaged in liver care come together each year to collectively raise the profile of liver health at the community, national, and international level. This year, EASL paves the way forward in Europe on World Liver Day with new educational resources, patient testimonials, and a user-friendly website, making it easier than ever to learn about and take care of the liver.

The EASL Policy Dialogues Season 3 is supported by Novo Nordisk. EASL has received no input from Novo Nordisk with regards to the content of the EASL Policy Dialogues Season 3.

The World Liver Day activities carried out under the umbrella of Healthy Livers, Healthy Lives, are supported by Boehringer Ingelheim, Echosens, MSD, and Novo Nordisk. Our industry partners have had no input into the content of the World Liver Day activities.



Eduardo Lopez

Eduardo Lopez has been working as an Imaging Director at Fujifilm since 1994. After the diagnosis of his daughter, Mr. Lopez joined and became President of the Spanish Lysosomal Acid Lipase Deficiency Patient Organisation (AELALD). This is the only patient organization in Europe devoted to this rare disease which mainly affects the liver. Eduardo is also a board member of the Catalan Federation of Rare Diseases (FECAMM) and a member of the New Born Screening group at the European Organisation for Rare Disease (EURORDIS).

Shira Zelber-Sagi

Prof. Zelber-Sagi has graduated BSc in nutrition sciences from the Hebrew University and has 23 years of experience as a clinical dietitian with expertise in liver diseases, within the liver unit, at the Department of Gastroenterology Tel-Aviv Medical Center. She graduated with a Ph.D. in epidemiology and preventive medicine at the Sackler School of Medicine at Tel Aviv University. Since 2009, she has been a faculty at the University of Haifa, Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Sciences at the School of Public Health. Currently (in the past four years), she is the Head of the School of Public Health. Her research focuses on NAFLD epidemiology, prevention, and treatment combining nutrition, physical activity, weight reduction, and behavioral aspects. She was a member of the EASL Policy and Public Health Committee and the UEG Policy and Public Health Committee. She has published about 150 scientific papers and book chapters.


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EASL Membership

EASL Policy Dialogues S2 E9: Preventing liver disease with policy measures: The Hepahealth II study


Chronic liver disease (CLD) causes 1.8% of all deaths in Europe. Without policies to mitigate harmful alcohol consumption and obesity, that proportion will continue to increase. In order to address this, EASL commissioned the Hepahealth II study, a validated and peer-reviewed miscrosimulation model, to project the impact of various policy scenarios designed to improve liver health in Europe. In this episode, Professors Maria Buti, Shira Zelber-Sagi, and Peter Jepsen introduce the study, its aims, and results. Finally, Alice Chapman-Hatchett discusses more broadly the policy situation in Europe and the challenges to implementing more health focused policies.

The Hepahealth II study has been supported by an unrestricted education grant from Bristol-Myers Squibb and Gilead. Bristol-Myers Squibb and Gilead have had no input into EASL content.



maria buti

Maria Buti is currently Professor of Medicine and consultant of Hepatology at the Hospital General Universitari Valle Hebron, Barcelona and the EASL Public Health Councillor. Dr Buti has worked in viral hepatitis for the last 35 years, particularly in diagnosis and therapy of hepatitis B , C and D. She has published more than 500 papers the field of liver disease, with numerous papers and contributions to books.

Shira Zelber-Sagi

Prof. Zelber-Sagi is a clinical dietitian, Epidemiologist, and researcher in nutritional and lifestyle epidemiology, chronic diseases related to lifestyle, and public health aspects. Graduated BSc in nutrition sciences at the Hebrew University. Graduated with a Ph.D. in Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine at the Sackler School of Medicine at Tel Aviv University. Currently, she is a full Professor and Head of the School of Public Health, Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Sciences, University of Haifa. She is a member of the “National Committee for Nutrition, Gastroenterology, and Liver Disease”. Since June 2023, she has been an EASL Governing Board member and Public Health Councillor-elect. She is a United European Gastroenterology (UEG) Policy and Public Health Committee member, and the founder of the Gastroenterology and Hepatology Dietitians’ forum within the Israeli Dietitians Association. She has published over 150 scientific publications, mostly dealing with lifestyle and liver disease and other chronic diseases, including nutrition, physical activity, smoking, alcohol, and policy recommendations. Email: [email protected]

Peter Jepsen

Prof. Peter Jepsen is an EASL Policy and Public Health Committee Member. Born in 1975, graduated from the medical school in Aarhus, Denmark in 2003. Since then clinical training and specialisation in hepatology, alongside training in clinical epidemiology. Prof. Jepsen has published more than 100 papers, most of them in the field of hepato-epidemiology. He currently does half-time clinical work, half-time research. Prof. Jepsen's primary interests are alcoholic liver disease and hepatocellular carcinoma, most notably the value of surveillance for hepatocellular carcinoma among patients with alcoholic cirrhosis.

Alice Chapman-Hatchett

Alice Chapman-Hatchett is the Director of the Health and Europe Centre, a social enterprise in the National Health Service in the UK. The Centre works to bring European learning, practice, and policy to the local health community, improving patient outcomes and focusing on health inequalities and social determinants of health. Chapman is President of EPHA (European Public Health Alliance) and has over 13 years of experience working in public health in areas ranging from sexual health, NCDs, ageing, mental health, and health systems.

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EASL Studio S6 E6: Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency (AATD): A poster child for genetic therapy


On the eve of the rare disease day, our guests discuss the compelling reasons why AATD stands out as the prime candidate for gene therapy. This talk addresses the pertinence of the subject in the current research landscape and highlight ongoing global trials opening the door for new opportunities in this field.


  • Aleksander Krag (Moderator)
  • Aftab Ala (Faculty)
  • Pavel Strnad (Faculty)
  • Alice Turner (Faculty)

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This episode is scheduled in honour of the Rare Disease Day (29 February).

ℹ️ Please click here to access the podcast version of this EASL Studio episode.

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EASL Membership
Liver Tumours
EASL Journal Club: Inflamed and non-inflamed class of HCC: A revised immunogenomic classification

EASL Journal Club: Inflamed and non-inflamed class of HCC: A revised immunogenomic classification

EASL Journal Club
Liver Tumours
EASL Journal Club: Molecular characterisation of hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis

EASL Journal Club: Molecular characterisation of hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis

EASL Journal Club