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Displaying 301 - 312 of 531

EASL Studio S4 E7: Genetics in adult liver disease – missed opportunities?


Advances in molecular biology have made it possible to identify genetic causes of liver dysfunction in adults. Early detection of liver diseases can prevent long-term organ damage. However, two questions remain, who should be tested and when? Watch this episode for the expert discussion.


  • Prof. Verena Keitel (Moderator)
  • Prof. Pavel Strnad (Faculty)
  • Prof. Luca Valenti (Faculty)
  • Prof. Silvia Vilarinho (Faculty)

Related episodes
S2E1 – New treatment options for hereditary cholestasis syndromes: A game-changer?
S3E3 – Primary biliary cholangitis: A look at the future landscape of therapy for patients
S3E10 – Cholestatic pruritus: Can the itch be ditched?

ℹ️ Please click here to access the podcast version of this EASL Studio episode.

This episode is supported by grants from Albireo and Takeda Development Center Americas, Inc. Albireo and Takeda Development Center Americas, Inc. have had no editorial control over the content featured.


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EASL Studio S4 E6: Regenerating the liver graft with a machine?


Machine perfusion is changing the status quo in liver transplantation by optimising the use of organs in times of organ shortage.

Watch this EASL Studio to:

  • Better understand the role of machine perfusion in liver transplantation
  • Understand the optimal situations in machine perfusion is beneficial
  • Have an overview of the different types of machines under evaluation


  • Prof. Marina Berenguer (Moderator)
  • Prof. Pierre-Alain Clavien (Faculty)
  • Dr Amelia Hessheimer (Faculty)

Related episodes

  • S3E8 – Transplanting patients with cancer – Is there a limit?
  • S3E2 – Liver transplantation for ACLF: Opportunities, challenges, and pitfalls

ℹ️ Please click here to access the podcast version of this EASL Studio episode.


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Viral Hepatitis
Quiz: A patient with a liver transplant suddenly developed persistent hepatitis caused by replicative hepatitis E

Quiz: A patient with a liver transplant suddenly developed persistent hepatitis caused by replicative hepatitis E

General Hepatology
Quiz: The pattern of liver damage after an occupational exposure is classified according to International Consensus criteria

Quiz: The pattern of liver damage after an occupational exposure is classified according to International Consensus criteria

Basic Science
EASL Studio Podcast S4 E6: Regenerating the liver graft with a machine?

EASL Studio Podcast S4 E6: Regenerating the liver graft with a machine?


EASL Studio S4 E5: AI for Dummies


The field of artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly growing and derived technologies are technologies are increasingly being used in medical sciences to improve patient outcomes.

  • What exactly is AI?
  • How can it be beneficial?
  • Why should AI be used in medicine?

Watch this EASL Studio to find out.


  • Prof. Jakob Nikolas Kather (Moderator)
  • Prof. Julien Calderaro (Faculty)
  • Dr Arsela Prelaj (Faculty)
  • Dr Tobias Seraphin (Faculty)
  • Dr Katy Wack (Faculty)

ℹ️ Please click here to access the podcast version of this EASL Studio episode.


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General Hepatology
EASL Studio Podcast S4 E5: AI for Dummies

EASL Studio Podcast S4 E5: AI for Dummies

Cirrhosis & Complications
EASL Studio Podcast S4 E4: JHEP Live: Is the term ‘decompensated cirrhosis’ outdated?

EASL Studio Podcast S4 E4: JHEP Live: Is the term ‘decompensated cirrhosis’ outdated?


EASL Studio S4 E3: A 360 approach to beat alcohol-related liver disease


Alcohol is the main cause of advanced liver disease and a major cause of hospitalisation and disability across the globe, including Europe. In this EASL Studio you will hear the patient perspective from an individual who has overcome this disease and listen to the faculty discuss the measures that can help prevent it.


  • Prof. Ramon Bataller (Moderator)
  • Prof. Giovanni Addolorato (Faculty)
  • Prof. Peter Jepsen (Faculty)
  • Prof. Debbie Shawcross (Faculty)
  • Mrs Kristen Radage (Faculty)
  • Mr. Steven Rodrigues (Patient Perspective)

Related episodes

  • S3E5: JHEP Live: Stigma and alcohol
  • S3E4: Special Edition: Highlights of EASL NAFLD Summit 2022

ℹ️ Please click here to access the podcast version of this EASL Studio episode.


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Metabolism, Alcohol & Toxicity
EASL Studio Podcast S4 E3: A 360 approach to beat alcohol-related liver disease

EASL Studio Podcast S4 E3: A 360 approach to beat alcohol-related liver disease

General Hepatology
Quiz: A 62-year-old nurse with HBV-related cirrhosis and a history of recurrent hepatic encephalopathy (HE) is uncertain about the amount of daily protein intake recommended.

Quiz: A 62-year-old nurse with HBV-related cirrhosis and a history of recurrent hepatic encephalopathy (HE) is uncertain about...


ERN Rare-Liver on-demand Webinar: Biliary atresia


In this ERN Rare-Liver webinar, held on 20 December 2022, the panel discussed how to screen for biliary atresia, future paradigms for treating biliary atresia and the role of the EBAR registry.

Targeted Audience

  • General practitioners
  • Hepatologists
  • Oncologists
  • Health care professionals



Ekkehard Sturm Ekkehard Sturm is currently leading the Pediatric Gastroenterology/ Hepatology group, University of Tuebingen, Children´s Hospital. This tertiary care facility is one of the largest national programs for pediatric liver transplantation. Research interests include Rare Liver Diseases and Liver Transplantation and Immunomodulation. His research interests are focussed on pathophysiology of cholestastic liver diseases, novel therapies including modifiers of the enterohepatic circulation and mesenchymal stroma cells for immmune-modulatory purposes. He was co-coordinator of the European Reference Network Rare Liver 2017-2021 and is leading the center for rare liver diseases at UK Tübingen.


Omid Madadi-Sanjani Omid Madadi-Sanjani is a board certified general surgeon and pediatric surgeon, with special interest in pediatric hepatobiliary surgery. He is the current lead of the pediatirc surgical BA working group at the Hannover Medical School and is the PI of a regional screening program for BA in Lower Saxony. Furthermore, he is part of the expert consultant group of the Federal Joint Committee for the screening of BA in Germany.
Orith Waisbourd-Zinman Orith Waisbourd-Zinman is an assistant professor of Pediatrics at Tel-Aviv University and is a pediatric gastroenterologist at Schneider Children’s Medical Center of Israel. Dr. Waisbourd has completed her GI training at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and a post-doctoral fellow-ship at the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Waisbourd’s research group studies mechanisms of cholangiocyte injury and recovery in biliary atresia and other cholangiopathies using human or-ganoids model as well as mice models.
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