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Displaying 241 - 252 of 571
Liver Tumours
EASL Molecular Tumour Board in HCC: Is it possible and/or practical?

EASL Molecular Tumour Board in HCC: Is it possible and/or practical?

EASL Molecular Tumour Boards
General Hepatology
Quiz: A 31-year-old previously healthy primagravida presents in the 29th week of gestation with progressively worsening pruritus (scored by the patient using a Visual Analog Scale 6/10).

Quiz: A 31-year-old previously healthy primagravida presents in the 29th week of gestation with progressively worsening prurit...

Metabolism, Alcohol & Toxicity
EASL Studio Podcast S5 E9: Alcohol and the new nomenclature – A game-changer?

EASL Studio Podcast S5 E9: Alcohol and the new nomenclature – A game-changer?

Viral Hepatitis
EASL Studio Podcast S5 E8: JHEP Live: Hepatitis delta’s latest debate: Updates straight from EASL’s slate

EASL Studio Podcast S5 E8: JHEP Live: Hepatitis delta’s latest debate: Updates straight from EASL’s slate


EASL Studio S5 E8: JHEP Live: Hepatitis delta’s latest debate: Updates straight from EASL’s slate


Join the faculty as they take a deep dive into hepatitis delta (HDV) to:

  • Shed light on the controversies surrounding this disease.
  • Share their perspectives on the latest and most hotly debated recommendations.
  • Discuss how these new recommendations will shape the future of research and patient care.


  • Thomas Berg (Moderator)
  • Maurizia Brunetto (Faculty)
  • Ohad Etzion (Faculty)

Related episodes:

ℹ️ Please click here to access the podcast version of this EASL Studio episode.

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Rare Liver Diseases
ERN Rare-Liver on-demand Webinar: Liver transplantation and vascular liver disorders

ERN Rare-Liver on-demand Webinar: Liver transplantation and vascular liver disorders

On-demand Webinars

EASL Studio S5 E3: Zoonotic Hepatitis E – What’s hot in 2023?


Hepatitis E is an inflammation of the liver caused by infection with the hepatitis E virus (HEV). HEV infections are among the most common causes of acute hepatitis worldwide.

2 different settings:

  • HEV genotypes 1 and 2 cause primarily in water-born outbreaks inn resource-limited settings
  • HEV genotypes 3 and 4 have emerged as porcine zoonoses in middle and high-income areas, including Europe

This Studio focuses on Zoonotic Hep E, especially HEV Genotype 3 infection and discusses recent highlights as well as current challenges in basic, translational, and clinical research on Hepatitis E.

Learn more about the viral and host determinants for the diverse clinical outcomes of HEV genotype 3 infections, the challenge of chronic Hepatitis E in immunocompromised patients, as well as the current state of vaccine development and other preventive measures.


  • Darius Moradpour (Moderator)
  • Patrick Behrendt (Faculty)
  • Montserrat Fraga Christinet (Faculty)
  • Eike Steinmann (Faculty)

ℹ️ Please click here to access the podcast version of this EASL Studio episode.

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Viral Hepatitis
Quiz: A 42-year-old patient with chronic hepatitis D with persistent HDV RNA 450.000 IU/ml

Quiz: A 42-year-old patient with chronic hepatitis D with persistent HDV RNA 450.000 IU/ml


EASL Studio S4 E1: Hepatitis B elimination: How far behind are we and what do we need to change to achieve it?


In the first episode of EASL Studio season 4, the faculty looked at the current status of hepatitis B elimination and discussed what needs to be done to achieve it.


  • Dr Ahmed Elsharkawy (Moderator)
  • Mr Danjuma K. Adda (Faculty)
  • Prof. Maud Lemoine (Faculty)
  • Prof. Jean-Michel Pawlotsky (Faculty)
  • Dr John Ward (Faculty)

Related episodes

  • Special Edition: Live from Viral Hepatitis Elimination Conference 2022
  • S3E2: Interview with Stephan Urban – From bench to bedside: Process of developing the first HBV/HDV entry inhibitor
  • S2E8: Treatment of HBV-HDV coinfection in the era of entry inhibition

ℹ️ Please click here to access the podcast version of this EASL Studio episode.


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Metabolism, Alcohol & Toxicity
EASL Studio Podcast S5 E7: Why bother with diet and exercise when an injection will suffice?

EASL Studio Podcast S5 E7: Why bother with diet and exercise when an injection will suffice?


EASL Studio S5 E5: JHEP Live: The new nomenclature for SLD: A multidisciplinary evaluation and approach


In this episode, the discussants examines the following questions, raised after a Journal of Hepatology’s nomenclature article:

  • Is the introduction of metabolic risk factors (MRF) for the definition of MASLD justified?
  • What are the main issues regarding the measurement and thresholds for MRFs?
  • Is the introduction of the MetALD category clinically justified?
  • Is it necessary to worry about MRFs in a patient drinking increased or excessive amounts of alcohol and if yes, how should these be accounted for in disease classification systems?


  • Vlad Ratziu (Moderator)
  • Giulio Marchesini (Faculty)
  • Nancy Reau (Faculty)
  • Roberto Vettor (Faculty)

Related article

Related episodes

ℹ️ Please click here to access the podcast version of this EASL Studio episode.

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EASL Studio S5 E1: What is really new in the EASL CPG on ACLF?


This #EASLStudio JHEP Live discusses the newly released EASL Clinical Practice Guidelines on Acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF).

In particular:

  • ICU admission criteria for patients with ACLF
  • Treatment of infection and antibiotic selection
  • Liver support
  • Liver transplantation for ACLF: Sarcopenia and frailty


  • Richard Moreau (Moderator)
  • Rajiv Jalan (Faculty)
  • Constantine Karvellas (Faculty)
  • Rakhi Maiwall (Faculty)

ℹ️ Please click here to access the podcast version of this EASL Studio episode.

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  • Laura Daguerre

    Some of these questions were answered during the live discussion.
    If you have any additional questions or comments for our expert panel, please use the comment box :)
    EASL Office

  • Laura Daguerre

    Questions from the audience during the live discussion:
    - Should transplant candidacy influence the decision to bring ACLF patients into ICU for monitoring? Thanks
    - Should antifungal be routinely given in ACLF patients admitting to ICU?
    - What is the OS at 1-5y for ACLF2-3 in the UK by ITT and how this prioritization impacted overall mortality on WL would be interesting to analyze
    - The incidence of sarcopenia in post-LT is high, even in non-sarco.Are we certain that sarcopenia is a futility parameter, or does it depend on the time to LT?
    - I think it is important to emphasize that sarcopenia is not the same as frailty, and it is key to know what to use and why.
