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EASL Studio S4 E19: HDV: The devil becomes treatable


Hepatitis D is the most severe form of viral hepatitis infection, but fortunately, new treatments are on the horizon.

This EASL Studio discusses:

  • Which patients should be treated.
  • Currently available treatment options.
  • Treatment combinations and duration.
  • New treatments in development.


  • Prof. Heiner Wedemeyer (Moderator)
  • Prof. Soo Aleman (Faculty)
  • Prof. Pietro Lampertico (Faculty)

Related episodes:

  • S2E3: Interview with Stephan Urban – From bench to bedside: Process of developing the first HBV/HDV entry inhibitor.
  • S2E8: Treatment of HBV-HDV coinfection in the era of entry inhibition.
  • Midday Talks: HBV and HDV drug development – Where do we stand and where are we going?

ℹ️ Please click here to access the podcast version of this EASL Studio episode.


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Viral Hepatitis
EASL Studio Podcast S4 E19: HDV: The devil becomes treatable

EASL Studio Podcast S4 E19: HDV: The devil becomes treatable


EASL Studio S2 E17: EASL Haemochromatosis Guidelines 2022


In honour of World Haemochromatosis week (1-7 June 2022) the newly updated EASL Clinical Practice Guidelines on Haemochromatosis were discussed in this episode of EASL Studio.

Read more

ℹ️ Please click here to access the podcast version of this EASL Studio episode.



Heinz Zoller

Heinz Zoller is Professor of Hepatology at the Medical University of Innsbruck and Research Director at the Christian-Doppler Laboratory on Iron and Phosphate Biology. His clinical responsibilities include the care for patients in General- and Transplant-Hepatology at the Innsbruck University Hospital. His main academic focus is on genetic liver diseases, mainly hemochromatosis. He and his team aim at delivering and improving patient care through continuous education & training as well as basic scientific research & clinical studies.


Elena Corradini Elena Corradini is Associate Professor of Internal Medicine at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy. She is the referring physician for the Hemochromatosis and Hereditary Liver Diseases outpatient Clinic and Laboratory of Molecular Genetics at the University of Modena. She is also a member of the Iron Metabolism laboratory led by prof. A. Pietrangelo. Her basic and clinical research activities focus primarily on iron metabolism and iron-related disorders, including genetic and acquired liver diseases with altered iron homeostasis, and complex internal medicine diseases.
John Ryan

Dr John Ryan is a Consultant Hepatologist and Associate Clinical Professor at the Hepatology Unit, Beaumont Hospital and RCSI University of Medicine, Dublin. His clinical and research interests include iron metabolism, alcohol and chronic liver disease.

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General Hepatology
Quiz: A portal vein thrombosis (PVT) is diagnosed in a 50 years-old man with polycythaemia vera.

Quiz: A portal vein thrombosis (PVT) is diagnosed in a 50 years-old man with polycythaemia vera.

General Hepatology
EASL Studio Podcast S4 E18: Liver nurses in Europe: Are there enough and can they do more?

EASL Studio Podcast S4 E18: Liver nurses in Europe: Are there enough and can they do more?


EASL Studio S4 E18: Liver nurses in Europe: Are there enough and can they do more?


International Nurses Day, 12 May, commemorates the birth of Florence Nightingale, considered to be the founder of modern nursing.

EASL Studio is taking this opportunity to highlight the important role of nursing in the care of people with liver disease.


  • Dr Kathryn Jack (Moderator)
  • Mrs Michelle Clayton (Faculty)
  • Mrs Núria Fabrellas (Faculty)
  • Mrs Denise Schäfer (Faculty)
  • Dr Patrizia Künzler-Heule (Faculty)

ℹ️ Please click here to access the podcast version of this EASL Studio episode.


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Cirrhosis & Complications
EASL Studio Podcast S4 E17: Albumin in cirrhosis: For all, for some, for none

EASL Studio Podcast S4 E17: Albumin in cirrhosis: For all, for some, for none

General Hepatology
EHC on-demand Webinar: Pathways towards liver health: Focus on care post-viral infection and post-gene therapy

EHC on-demand Webinar: Pathways towards liver health: Focus on care post-viral infection and post-gene therapy

On-demand Webinars
Liver Tumours
Quiz: A 66-year-old, male patient with a BMI of 33 kg/m2 is referred to the Hepatology outpatient clinic by his GP due to elevated serum transaminases (ALT 60 U/L, AST 58 U/L).

Quiz: A 66-year-old, male patient with a BMI of 33 kg/m2 is referred to the Hepatology outpatient clinic by his GP due to elev...

Basic Science
Quiz: Drug-induced liver injury (DILI) is a leading cause of clinical trial failure and drug withdrawal from the market, calling for better scalable preclinical systems to assess hepatotoxicity and guide drug safety testing.

Quiz: Drug-induced liver injury (DILI) is a leading cause of clinical trial failure and drug withdrawal from the market, calli...

General Hepatology
Quiz: Liver transplantation (LT) should be considered in any patient with end-stage liver disease.

Quiz: Liver transplantation (LT) should be considered in any patient with end-stage liver disease.

General Hepatology
Quiz: A 48-year-old female nurse presents with abdominal pain and hepatomegaly.

Quiz: A 48-year-old female nurse presents with abdominal pain and hepatomegaly.
