
In this third episode of the EASL Studio, the experts will be tackling the EASL – Lancet Liver Commission on liver diseases in Europe. How do we reduce inequity in Europe? How do we improve awareness and education? How can we put a stop to stigmatisation of patients with liver diseases?

Time Title

Welcome and introduction on the EASL-Lancet Liver Commission

Tom Hemming Karlsen, University of Oslo, Norway


Part 1: Primary care focus - The importance of building stronger bridges between primary and secondary care

Rachel Pryke, United Kingdom


Part 2: Stigma and discrimination

Patrizia Carrieri, INSERM, SESSTIM, France


Part 3: Awareness, education and care coordination

Elisabetta Bugianesi, University of Turin, Italy





Take home message

Tom Hemming Karlsen, University of Oslo, Norway



Tom H. Karlsen Dr Karlsen is currently professor of internal medicine at the University of Oslo. His research experience ranges from genetic epidemiology and applications of genomic technologies (via translational research) to clinical studies. He is leader of the Norwegian PSC research center at the Department of Transplantation Medicine and Research Institute of Internal Medicine. He is co-founder and former secretary (2010-2017) of the International PSC study group, has served as the coordinator of the Nordic Liver Transplant Registry from 2006-2014, served as Secretary General for European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) from 2017 to 2019 and is currently a board member of the Biomed Alliance in Europe. Dr. Karlsen served as co-chair of the EASL-Lancet Commission on Liver Disease in Europe.


Rachel Pryke Dr Rachel Pryke is a part-time GP in Worcestershire with a special interest in obesity. She is RCGP Clinical Advisor on Nutrition who established the RCGP GPs with an Interest in Nutrition Group (GPING) in 2013 and, held a NICE Fellowship 2015-18. Dr. Pryke is also chair of the primary care section of the EASL Lancet Commission on Liver Disease across Europe, was a member of the Lancet Standing Commission on Liver Disease in UK and was member of the NICE NAFLD guideline development group and Quality Standard group. She runs primary care obesity training courses throughout the UK and has collaborated with WHO on a European primary care obesity training package.
Patrizia Carrieri Dr Patrizia Carrieri is a researcher in epidemiology and public health at the National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM) at the SESSTIM in Marseille, France. She coordinates a line of research on access to prevention and care for people at risk of or living with a liver disease integrating community-based research methods. She is responsible for the public health section of the ANRS HEPAVIH cohorts of HIV and HCV co-infected patients and ANRS HEPATHER cohort of people with HBV or HCV infection. More recently, she has led research on barriers to access to care for people with alcohol use disorders, on novel therapeutic interventions to reduce stigma and other alcohol-related harms and on the needs and interventions for people with NAFLD/NASH.
Elisabetta Bugianesi Dr Bugianesi, is currently Professor of Gastroenterology and Scientific Director of the Dept of Medical Sciences at the University of Turin in Italy. She is an internationally acknowledged expert on Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) with over 15-yearsexperience. Her contribution to the field includes, describing the metabolic mechanisms of insulin resistance related to the onset and progression of liver damage, the natural history of the disease (including the first demonstration of HCC as a complication of NASH), the development of non-invasive markers of fibrosis, and the involvement in several trials for the treatment of NAFLD/NASH.
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