Rachel Halford is President of The World Hepatitis Alliance (WHA) and CEO of The Hepatitis C Trust − a national UK peer-led civil society organization. Alongside advocacy and raising awareness, Rachel leads The Hepatitis C Trust in delivering a national peer program across local communities and prisons, employing over 160 paid staff and more than 180 volunteers; the majority of which have lived experience of hepatitis C, substance misuse and/or criminal justice. The Trust’s peer programs reach and support those hardest to engage affected by viral hepatitis and health inequalities. Passionate about equality and human rights Rachel has also led other non-governmental organizations including Women in Prison, a national UK campaigning organization that provides support and advocacy for women affected by the criminal justice system. She also sits on a number of national, global and European strategic boards representing the patient voice, including four years as the WHA European Regional Board member. Rachel has over 25 years’ experience of working with people at high-risk of viral hepatitis and liver disease generally − the homeless, people affected by the criminal justice system, substance users and migrants. Diagnosed with hepatitis C in 1998, Rachel completed a year of interferon treatment clearing the virus in 2007.