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Displaying 241 - 252 of 556
General Hepatology
EASL Studio Podcast S5 E6: YI Choice: When stars fade: The untold story of burnout in academia

EASL Studio Podcast S5 E6: YI Choice: When stars fade: The untold story of burnout in academia

Metabolism, Alcohol & Toxicity
EASL Studio Podcast S5 E5: JHEP Live: The new nomenclature for SLD: A multidisciplinary evaluation and approach

EASL Studio Podcast S5 E5: JHEP Live: The new nomenclature for SLD: A multidisciplinary evaluation and approach

Immune-Mediated and Cholestatic Diseases
Quiz: A 48-year-old woman with PBC presented with UDCA inadequate biochemical response

Quiz: A 48-year-old woman with PBC presented with UDCA inadequate biochemical response

Metabolism, Alcohol & Toxicity
EASL Studio Podcast S5 Special Edition: Highlights from the EASL SLD Summit 2023

EASL Studio Podcast S5 Special Edition: Highlights from the EASL SLD Summit 2023


EASL Studio S5 Special Edition: Highlights from the EASL SLD Summit 2023


This EASL Studio episode covers the highlights of the SLD Summit 2023, including:

  • Physiopathological mechanism
  • Problems encountered in the cirrhotic stage in SLD
  • Novelties about liver biopsies


  • Sven Francque (Moderator)
  • Quentin Anstee (Faculty)
  • Frank Tacke (Faculty)
  • Maja Thiele (Faculty)

Related episodes

ℹ️ Please click here to access the podcast version of this EASL Studio episode.

This EASL Studio is supported by Boehringer Ingelheim. EASL has received no input from Boehringer Ingelheim with regards to the content of this programme.

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EASL Studio S4 E21: Why you should stop smoking if you love your liver


Clinical evidence indicates that cigarette smoking negatively impacts the incidence and severity of fatty liver disease, fibrosis progression, hepatocellular carcinoma development, and the outcomes of patients with advanced liver disease. The underlying mechanisms are complex and involve different pathophysiological pathways including oxidative stress and oncogenic signals.

To coincide with World No Tobacco Day, 31 May, this EASL Studio discusses some of the pathophysiological mechanisms that drive the progression of liver disease and cancer risk in those who smoke.


  • Prof. William Alazawi (Moderator)
  • Prof. Debbie Shawcross (Moderator)
  • Prof. Ramon Bataller (Faculty)
  • Prof. Vanessa Stadlbauer-Köllner (Faculty)

ℹ️ Please click here to access the podcast version of this EASL Studio episode.


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Viral Hepatitis
EASL Studio Podcast S5 E3: Zoonotic Hepatitis E – What’s hot in 2023?

EASL Studio Podcast S5 E3: Zoonotic Hepatitis E – What’s hot in 2023?

Metabolism, Alcohol & Toxicity
EASL Studio Podcast: The battle to reduce alcohol harms… EASL’s new policy

EASL Studio Podcast: The battle to reduce alcohol harms… EASL’s new policy

Metabolism, Alcohol & Toxicity
EASL Studio Podcast S5 E2: Are 30% of the global population sick? A critical view on Steatotic Liver Disease and care pathways

EASL Studio Podcast S5 E2: Are 30% of the global population sick? A critical view on Steatotic Liver Disease and care pathways

Metabolism, Alcohol & Toxicity
Quiz: The nomenclature for Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease has recently been changed

Quiz: The nomenclature for Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease has recently been changed

Cirrhosis & Complications
EASL Studio Podcast S5 E1: What is really new in the EASL CPG on ACLF?

EASL Studio Podcast S5 E1: What is really new in the EASL CPG on ACLF?

Liver Tumours
Quiz: This is a 65-year-old female with HCV cirrhosis that in the context of an US exploration due to unspecific abdominal pain is found with a liver mass of 4cm

Quiz: This is a 65-year-old female with HCV cirrhosis that in the context of an US exploration due to unspecific abdominal pai...
