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Displaying 169 - 180 of 565
Immune-Mediated and Cholestatic Diseases
EASL Studio Podcast S6 E6: Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency (AATD): A poster child for genetic therapy

EASL Studio Podcast S6 E6: Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency (AATD): A poster child for genetic therapy


EASL Studio S6 E3: How to stop recurrent bleeding due to small-intestinal angiodysplasia?


The participants focus on the topic of managing recurrent bleeding due to small-intestinal angiodysplasia – a persistent challenge encountered by many hepatologists. Our panel explores effective treatments and interventions, including medications like bevacizumab and thalidomide, alongside the role of endoscopy in diagnosis and management.


  • Pierre-Emmanuel Rautou (Moderator)
  • Virginia Hernández-Gea (Faculty)
  • Patrick Kamath (Faculty)
  • Wim Laleman (Faculty)

Related episodes:

ℹ️ Please click here to access the podcast version of this EASL Studio episode.

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EASL Membership
Liver Tumours
Quiz: A 66-years-old man presents with apparent resectable intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (iCCA) at the Hospital.

Quiz: A 66-years-old man presents with apparent resectable intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (iCCA) at the Hospital.

General Hepatology

EASL Studio: Challenges and opportunities for patients with PBC: Highlights from EASL Congress 2023.

EASL Studio
Metabolism, Alcohol & Toxicity
Quiz: A man of 32 years with a history of type 1 diabetes and vitiligo is referred by his GP

Quiz: A man of 32 years with a history of type 1 diabetes and vitiligo is referred by his GP


EASL Studio S6 E4: World Cholangiocarcinoma Day: Highlighting guidelines and exploring the horizon beyond


In this exclusive session, Thomas Berg and his panelists examine the intricate world of intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma (iCCA), following the publication of the EASL clinical practice guidelines on iCCA in 2023. This discussion aim at raising awareness and promoting a deeper understanding of this complex condition, while touching upon the topic of targeted therapies, highlighting the advancements and challenges that lie ahead.


  • Thomas Berg (Moderator)
  • Katie Kelley (Faculty)
  • Daniela Sia (Faculty)
  • Juan Valle (Faculty)

This episode is scheduled in honour of the World CCA Day (15 February) and the US CCA Awareness Month.

Related episodes

ℹ️ Please click here to access the podcast version of this EASL Studio episode.

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EASL Membership
General Hepatology
Quiz: A 39-year-old man with ulcerative colitis for 10 years and treated with 5-ASA has also primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) for the last 5 years

Quiz: A 39-year-old man with ulcerative colitis for 10 years and treated with 5-ASA has also primary sclerosing cholangitis (P...

Cirrhosis & Complications
EASL Studio Podcast S6 E3: How to stop recurrent bleeding due to small-intestinal angiodysplasia?

EASL Studio Podcast S6 E3: How to stop recurrent bleeding due to small-intestinal angiodysplasia?


EASL Studio S6 E2: Why do we need HBV functional cure?


In this episode, the panellists evaluate past efforts, current trials, and the evolving landscape of HBV cure research. They also weigh the patient-friendliness of these strategies, exploring potential pathways to a cure. How will the landscape of trials and research methodologies evolve in the future to facilitate this quest?


  • Ahmed Elsharkawy (Moderator)
  • Markus Cornberg (Faculty)
  • Dickens Theodore (GSK Representative)
  • Su Wang (Faculty)

This EASL Studio is supported by GSK.

Related episodes:

ℹ️ Please click here to access the podcast version of this EASL Studio episode.

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EASL Membership
General Hepatology

State-of-the-Art: Improving liver health in Europe: the EASL-Lancet Liver Commission initiative (Complete Session)

Metabolism, Alcohol & Toxicity
On-demand Webinar: Steatotic liver disease – the missing piece in the NCD puzzle

On-demand Webinar: Steatotic liver disease – the missing piece in the NCD puzzle

On-demand Webinars
Viral Hepatitis
EASL Studio Podcast S6 E2: Why do we need HBV functional cure?

EASL Studio Podcast S6 E2: Why do we need HBV functional cure?
