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Displaying 301 - 312 of 565
General Hepatology
Quiz: A portal vein thrombosis (PVT) is diagnosed in a 50 years-old man with polycythaemia vera.

Quiz: A portal vein thrombosis (PVT) is diagnosed in a 50 years-old man with polycythaemia vera.

General Hepatology
EASL Studio Podcast S4 E18: Liver nurses in Europe: Are there enough and can they do more?

EASL Studio Podcast S4 E18: Liver nurses in Europe: Are there enough and can they do more?


EASL Studio S4 E18: Liver nurses in Europe: Are there enough and can they do more?


International Nurses Day, 12 May, commemorates the birth of Florence Nightingale, considered to be the founder of modern nursing.

EASL Studio is taking this opportunity to highlight the important role of nursing in the care of people with liver disease.


  • Dr Kathryn Jack (Moderator)
  • Mrs Michelle Clayton (Faculty)
  • Mrs Núria Fabrellas (Faculty)
  • Mrs Denise Schäfer (Faculty)
  • Dr Patrizia Künzler-Heule (Faculty)

ℹ️ Please click here to access the podcast version of this EASL Studio episode.


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Cirrhosis & Complications
EASL Studio Podcast S4 E17: Albumin in cirrhosis: For all, for some, for none

EASL Studio Podcast S4 E17: Albumin in cirrhosis: For all, for some, for none

General Hepatology
EHC on-demand Webinar: Pathways towards liver health: Focus on care post-viral infection and post-gene therapy

EHC on-demand Webinar: Pathways towards liver health: Focus on care post-viral infection and post-gene therapy

On-demand Webinars
Liver Tumours
Quiz: A 66-year-old, male patient with a BMI of 33 kg/m2 is referred to the Hepatology outpatient clinic by his GP due to elevated serum transaminases (ALT 60 U/L, AST 58 U/L).

Quiz: A 66-year-old, male patient with a BMI of 33 kg/m2 is referred to the Hepatology outpatient clinic by his GP due to elev...

Basic Science
Quiz: Drug-induced liver injury (DILI) is a leading cause of clinical trial failure and drug withdrawal from the market, calling for better scalable preclinical systems to assess hepatotoxicity and guide drug safety testing.

Quiz: Drug-induced liver injury (DILI) is a leading cause of clinical trial failure and drug withdrawal from the market, calli...

General Hepatology
Quiz: Liver transplantation (LT) should be considered in any patient with end-stage liver disease.

Quiz: Liver transplantation (LT) should be considered in any patient with end-stage liver disease.

General Hepatology
Quiz: A 48-year-old female nurse presents with abdominal pain and hepatomegaly.

Quiz: A 48-year-old female nurse presents with abdominal pain and hepatomegaly.


EASL Studio S4 E16: Highlights from the EASL Liver Cancer Summit 2023


Watch this EASL Studio for highlights from the Liver Cancer Summit 2023.


  • How artificial Intelligence is being used to increase knowledge in the field of liver cancer.
  • New markers in hepatocellular carcinoma beyond ultrasound.
  • Updates in the field cholangiocarcinoma and rare liver diseases
  • … and much more!


  • Prof. Mathias Heikenwälder (Moderator)
  • Prof. Josep Llovet (Faculty)
  • Prof. Helen Reeves (Faculty)

Related episodes:

  • S3E16 – Liver cancer in 2022: Wrap-up & outlook
  • S2E15 – JHEP Live – The best animal model for HCC — lost in translation
  • Special Edition: Highlights of the Liver Cancer Summit 2022
  • Policy Dialogues Episode 3: Liver Cancer: The risk of ignorance

ℹ️ Please click here to access the podcast version of this EASL Studio episode.


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Liver Tumours
EASL Studio Podcast S4 E16: Highlights from the EASL Liver Cancer Summit 2023

EASL Studio Podcast S4 E16: Highlights from the EASL Liver Cancer Summit 2023

Immune-Mediated and Cholestatic Diseases
EASL Studio Podcast S4 E15: Diagnostic and therapeutic challenges in Wilson’s disease

EASL Studio Podcast S4 E15: Diagnostic and therapeutic challenges in Wilson’s disease
